Thursday, June 2, 2011

Shaq Attack

Yesterday, Shaquille O'Neal tweeted that he was retiring from the NBA after 19 years. I can't tell you about his stats, effectiveness as a team player, or much at all about his overall career. What I can tell you is that he has been a basketball star since I was a kid, and he remained a constant in an otherwise changing world.

Looking back on the players I most remembered from childhood, names like Charles Barkley, Michael Jordan, Shaq and Mugsy Bogues all come to mind. All of them all now finished. I don't have some sort of deep held affection for basketball, but when you hear that someone who has been an icon of sorts for the majority of your life is retiring, you begin to reflect on what all has changed in your life while that person has been a star.

In the time that Shaq was a star player, I grew several feet, gained a lot of weight, lost a lot of weigh, and ended up at a place where I pass a 10 ft. tall bronze camel on the way to work everyday. I went from watching the Power Rangers each afternoon after school to reading John Steinbeck during the moments when I'm not at school or at work.

Shaq's retirement doesn't affect me at all, but it does cause me to pause and think about what happens in the life of one boy who lived and grew while one man played basketball and about the countless others who experienced life while this giant of a man ran the court, recorded some rap, and made some absolutely horrible movies.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Book Review: The Resurrection of Johnny Cash by Graeme Thomson

I'm a Johnny Cash fan. I would be surprised if that was news to anyone. I've managed to amass a mini-library of sorts concerning Cash's career, homelife, spirituality, etc. Some come from the man himself, others from biographers and former bandmates. All give varying accounts on the life of Cash as well as the impact his music had throughout his 50 year recording career.

With the ability to glean snippets of information from each of these books, my interest was peaked with the release of Graeme Thomson's book, The Resurrection of Johnny Cash which, according to it's description, deals primarily with the later-phase career of Cash with Rick Rubin for the American Recordings series of albums in the 90s and 2000s.

Once the book got in my hand, I began devouring the pages like a starving castway at the Sizzler...only to realize that I wasn't very hungry for the dried out, un-inspired, and overtly critical writing of Thomson. Contrary to the book's title and published description, Thomson spends much of his time backtracking into Cash's dismal recording career in the 1980's and early 1990's...a period of time which any Cash fan would just as soon forget ever happened. Of course this period of time needs to be discussed, but Thomson spends more time overall in his book on the failings of Cash's musical career than he does on the acclaim that he received with his recordings with Rubin.

Even when he does deal with the American Recordings series, Thomson fails to provide any new insight or information regarding the recordings. Any information found in his book could be located in countless other books or online articles. Perhaps one of the other major failings of this book would be the heavy emphasis on quotes from other musicians and technicians who worked with Cash at one time or another. Some individuals like Rodney Crowell, Roseanne Cash and Lou Robin have a rightful place in this book but, because he is British, he lends too much creedence and space to individuals like Nick Cave, Will Oldham and Nick Lowe (though Lowe was at one time Cash's son-in-law) and thus dilutes any wisdom that might be gleaned from the overall interviewees.

In short, Thomson fails to deliver the goods that he promises in his book's title and published description. This book neither satisfies the most rabid of Cash fans, like myself, or the novice who picks this book up with no prior knowledge of the man in black. Still, this remains a critically important period of time for Cash's life and recordings and a thorough, broad-scope view still needs to be written on the subject.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


The other day, I was walking my 2-year-old cousin from my house to my grandparent’s house. As we walked along the street, I told him of the time I fell off my bike and broke my arm on that very stretch of asphalt. I had this great story of how I got hurt, and all he could think of to say was, “why?” Each explanation that followed only resulted in more “whys?” It got me to thinking about perhaps the most important question ever asked throughout history, “why?”

Why are we here? Why do bad things happen to good people? Why does the Jersey Shore continue to get renewed each and every season? The simple question of “why” really isn’t all that simple. As people, we want to understand everything, and unfortunately, it’s an impossible desire to fulfill.

As harrowing, as it might be to ask an impossible question day in and day out, I was reminded of the innocence in asking such questions, especially from the perspective of a 2 year old. It shows that one is growing in their awareness. It also shows that the person asking such a question is willing to admit that they don’t know everything and would like to know more.

Many people retreat when they are posed with the question of “why?” This question is perhaps the most dangerous when asked in a religious context. Such questions upset the norm and tip the balance of faith towards ambiguity. But often, we learn more from the questions themselves than what answers human minds can devise to try to offer some sort of answer. Quite frankly, we can never know some things about our faith, and it would be irresponsible to try and fabricate some kind of response to appease a certain point of view. But luckily for us, Christianity IS a faith that welcomes mystery and intrigue. God never chastises us for the questions we ask, but He appreciates the honesty and candor with which questions are posed, understanding that, just like infants, we must ask questions towards those who are older and wiser than us, even if we don’t understand the answer when we hear it.