Monday, November 1, 2010

Be the Change You Want to See

On the eve of the midterm elections tomorrow, I thought about putting up a status on facebook encouraging on everybody to vote, no matter their political ideology. However, I detest when people try to sum up their political tendencies in brief, out of context statements, so with that I will say the following concerning tomorrow's vote.

I don't rightly care who you vote for, as crazy as they might be. I don't even care what direction you want to see this country go in. What I do care about is that people become part of the electoral process by exercising their right to vote. We are living in a time where PACs, pundits and patsies inform the public on current events and the political landscape in general. They are the middlemen, filtering what is really happening through their talking points in order to attract ratings, book sales and appearance fees.

Please, don't let Glenn Beck or Rachel Maddow speak for you. Speak for yourself. Millions of people have sacrificed so much so that you could speak up for yourself and become part of the process here in America. Make the most of it. Be involved beyond election day and be a part of any change that you want to see happen in this country and world.

So whether you read Huffington or Drudge, read this: do your duty, vote. Be a part of the process, not part of the problem.

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